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Do you believe all music creators should be treated fairly?
Join the chorus demanding music fairness
A Statement of Support for the Fair Trade of Music
Music crosses cultures, boundaries, and borders of all kinds. We stand united in our belief that discrimination against music creators based on their nationality must end.
While nations can decide which rights to bestow, including performance rights for music airplay, it is fundamentally unjust for those countries to pick and choose who then gets those the protections of those rights based on a person’s nationality. For a country to selectively choose who gets rights, and who is discriminated against, is not only contrary to 75 years of global trade principles but inconsistent with our shared belief about the meaning of rights.
For those reasons, we call upon the governments and people of the United Kingdom, France, and other countries that currently discriminate against music creators based on their nationality to affirm the principle of National Treatment, a fixture in international trade since 1947 that mandates that a country apply the same treatment to foreigners as they do their own citizens. The principle of National Treatment should be included in trade agreements; the European Union should implement a 2020 court decision barring discrimination against music creators based on their nationality; and, legislation should be passed as needed globally.